경영과 비젼

나눔과 봉사와 애국으로 세상에 빛과 소금이 되고 있는 사랑의 한국인과  한국문화관광을 널리 알리고 범교회적 나눔과 봉사 실천 캠페인 및 사회적·경제적으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 곳곳에 구제와 봉사로 헌신하는 법인·단체를 지원하며 한미간 문화예술 및 봉사활동 교류협력 등의 재단사업을 통해 글로벌시대에 세계로 진출하는 성실하고 신뢰받는 공익재단으로 거듭나서 모두가 부족함 없는 아름답고 행복한 세상을 만들어 가는데 힘을 다하겠습니다.

Management and Vision:

We will strive to become a sincere and trusted public foundation that shines as a beacon of love for “The Great Love Korean” individuals who illuminate the world with sharing, volunteering, and patriotism, and actively promote Korean culture and tourism.
Through foundation projects such as cross-denominational sharing and volunteering campaigns, as well as support for corporations and organizations dedicated to relief and volunteering in various places facing social and economic difficulties, we aim to contribute to global outreach in the era of globalization.
We will dedicate our efforts to fostering cultural, artistic, and volunteer exchange and collaboration between Korea and the United States. Our goal is to work towards creating a beautiful and happy world where everyone can thrive.

◾ 후원 문의 : [email protected]
◾ 홈페이지 : https://jjmfusa.org
◾ 유튜브 채널 : https://www.youtube.com/@jjmission365godbless

JJ Mission Foundation

Promoting and conducting outreach for “The Great Love Korean,” individuals dedicated to benevolence, volunteering, and patriotism.